The Ultimate Personalisation in Handbags - Stone Drops Collection

During his travels to the royal state of Rajasthan, Aranyani founder, Mr. Haresh Mirpuri was spellbound seeing nature in all her splendor during the sunrise. The prismatic dew drops reflecting and refracting light in myriad hues appeared like the jewels of the Goddess of the Forests - Aranyani. Moving through India’s city of lakes, Udaipur, he was mesmerized by the reflections he saw in them of the sun by the day and the moon by the night. Rubbing shoulders with the royalty there, he also witnessed their love affair with precious gemstones which they used to accentuate the beauty of their persona and to enhance their well being.

Precious or Semi-Precious?

It was sometime in the mid 1800s that the classification of gemstones as ‘precious’ and ‘semi-precious’ came into being. It was more or less cast in stone that there were only 4 ‘precious’ gemstones, the REDS - ruby, emerald, diamond and sapphire. They were the most expensive because they were the most sought after. All the other gemstones that didn’t fall into these categories were labeled ‘semi-precious’ with a broad brush. This classification remains in vogue even today in websites, catalogs and printed material. It is terribly misleading and confusing - especially for someone who isn’t immersed in the gemstones industry. For those who know their gems, the classification is irreverent.

You see, many of the ‘semi-precious’ gemstones - agate, alexandrite, aquamarine, amethyst, citrine, garnet, lapis lazuli, moonstone, opal, peridot, pearl, rose quartz, spinel, tourmaline, tanzanite, turquoise, zircon - are valuable and, in some cases, can be more expensive than some among the precious four! From a material perspective, some of these gemstones are rarer to find and harder to mine compared to the precious gemstones.

Physical Brilliance of Gems

On the physical plane, there isn’t a universally accepted method to determine the value of a gemstone. Gems are characterized by their refractive index, specific gravity, hardness, dispersion, cleavage, fracture and luster. They might also exhibit luminescence and a distinctive absorption spectrum. Gemstones that are clean and without inclusions (flaws or impurities within) are naturally more prized. In modern times gemologists describe gemstones and their characteristics using specific technical terminology. Two most important characteristics are:

  1. Chemical Composition - This shows the elements that make up the gemstone. For instance, diamonds are made of Carbon while rubies are made of aluminum oxide.
  2. Crystal System - This is the internal structure of the gemstone. For instance, diamonds possess a cubic crystal system and have an octahedral structure.
  3. Hardness - This can be understood as the scratch resistance of various gems. The harder material is able to scratch softer material. It is measured on the Mohs scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the hardest.

Psychological and Spiritual Worth of Gems

For millennia people have treasured and cherished gemstones not only for ornamental purposes but also because they experienced the healing and metaphysical properties that the gemstones possessed. The person would seek the assistance of particular gemstones to fill the lacunae in his/her being. At Aranyani, we make use of different precious gemstones for different healings that they bring about. Their names and properties of some of them are listed below.

  1. Citrine energizes every aspect of life, cleansing the Chakras and opening up intuition. It raises one’s self-esteem and boosts self-confidence even as it stimulates the brain and strengthens the intellect.
  2. Known as the crystal of unconditional love, Rose Quartz boosts feelings of self-love and also fosters loving relationships with others.
  3. Smoky quartz is considered a grounding stone and may help you feel rooted to planet earth. It's believed to be mood lifting and is used for protection.
  4. Yellow quartz brings clarity in decision-making and relief from ‘burnout’, panic, nervousness or exhaustion. It sharpens memory and concentration and prevents lethargy and depression.

Aranyani’s Stone Drops Collection

During his travels to the royal state of Rajasthan, Aranyani founder, Mr. Haresh Mirpuri was spellbound seeing nature in all her splendor during the sunrise. The prismatic dew drops reflecting and refracting light in myriad hues appeared like the jewels of the Goddess of the Forests - Aranyani. Moving through India’s city of lakes, Udaipur, he was mesmerized by the reflections he saw in them of the sun by the day and the moon by the night. Rubbing shoulders with the royalty there, he also witnessed their love affair with precious gemstones which they used to accentuate the beauty of their persona and to enhance their well-being.

Deep Thought Behind the Rim

Even as the gemstones of the highest quality are sourced and selected for the rims, the rims themselves are set meticulously by highly skilled and trained artisans. The rim is then readied for charging. They are placed out in the open under the energizing beams of the sun and the full moon so that they are pulsating with vibrations as they are fixed on the handbags.

Every aspect of the Stone Drops collection has been thoughtfully crafted. Even the number of gemstones set in the Stone Drops’ rims is aligned with the ‘Hemachandra Numbers’ which is popularly known in the world as the Fibonacci Series. The fact of the matter is that Hemachandra discovered this golden sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 … ) about 50 years before Fibbonaci, in the year 1202.

The Ultimate Personalization

Though each gemstone has the same general properties, it has its individuality as well! To make it clear, take the case of cocker spaniels. Temperamentally, that dog breed is sweet, affectionate, playful and participative. But each cocker spaniel has its own personality right? And that personality is shaped in part by its owner(s). The same is true for gemstones.

Each gemstone is shaped by the owner’s or wearers personality just as it shapes the owner’s or wearer’s personality. That is the reason why people are possessive and very attached to their gemstones which they also consider as their lucky charms. One citrine-set handbag is not the same as another identical citrine-set handbag! This is what makes the handbags from Aranyani's Stone Drops collection unique and meaningful to you. It grows on you with use and becomes your complementary twin almost. 

Written by Haresh Mirpuri