Unseen Connections

“The forest ecosystem is the co-dependence, sustenance, and existence of a myriad of life forms; roots and branches, trees and shrubs, bugs and slugs, bees and birds, caterpillars and butterflies, pebbles and moss, mushrooms and lichen, leaves and bark, brooks and rocks, — all flourishing in harmony amidst the Unseen, Powerful, Spiritual.”
A deep-rooted interwovenness of Unseen Life-Forces

In vedic Bharat, forests are considered to be home of female energies known as Goddess Shakti. These feminine energies, both fierce and benign, are revered for their nurturing and protective nature of existence. Nature and its forests are sacred, and its evolution honoured. A hallmark of fertility and productivity, she is presumed to be the highest expression of human evolution.

In Rigveda, the vedic script of Bharat, “Aranyani”, the divine Goddess of the forest, is praised as the mystical and ethereal deity who resides in the heart of dense forests. A beautiful elusive Goddess, a dancer and a lover of quiet glades. She is often described as a nymph or a maiden adorned with leaves and flowers, blending seamlessly into the natural surroundings.

Goddess Aranayni is the Life Force of the Forest, nurturing, caring and protecting everything that dwells within it while possessing the power to annihilate what causes it harm. Nature, in vedic Bharat, is sacred and human evolution is determined by man’s ability to connect with her rhythms and patterns emotionally, intellectually & spiritually.

In harmonious symphony with the Aranyani Sūktam, one of the most descriptive of hymns in Rigveda,

we set out into the depths of native forests, in search of elusive and remote sanctuaries, gurgling streams, sparkling ponds, mystical life forms intertwined with the unseen life forces around quiet glades in the depths of the jungle that describe the divine and powerful nature of the Goddess of the Forest; Aranyani.

Wandering across damp forest floors, into mystical dark depths, the delicate yet fierce survival and supple emerging life tantalise our imagination. Immersed in an intense silence while conscious of the sound of survival, our surroundings were engulfed in piercing rays of light. Its warmth reinvigorates life thriving in its brilliance. Ambling alongside a gurgling brook, the waters glistened like pure gold under incandescent sunlight.

In Vedic scripts, Gold is the seed of Agni – God of Fire. Agni, one of the most revered and invoked Gods, is believed to have consummated in water through pure gold. Gold is or represents light or the sun. Akin to fiery or brilliant energy, a symbol of life and the human spirit of purity and incorruptibility, a talisman of purity, prosperity & femininity.

ARANYANI’s 24 karat Gold plated Marque – ‘The Monogram’ is The Life Force. Inspired by harmony in chaos amidst the synergies of life. It is a confluence of exquisite artistry and deep-rooted traditions galvanised by its love story with nature.

The sweet smells of delicate flowers blooming amidst radiant moss-covered deadwood lodged in the roots of giant trees ooze sweet sap and provide life-giving nutrition & shelter. The dark damp depths of the forest engulf us in whiffs surrounding stagnant murky puddles lined with fluorescent orange putrefying soil with lichen, home to tadpoles & diving bell spiders – life in surreal forms draws us further within.

Insects and bugs, mushrooms and lichen, slugs and beetles and life forms invisible to the human eye, live, and fight for survival while flourishing together in harmony. Goddess Aranyani - the guardian of the wilderness - is believed to ensure the well-being and balance of the forest ecosystem.

The rustling of leaves and crackling of branches above us scattered forest jasmine, with its fragrant aromas. The interwoven lives within these depths intensified our interpretation of the mystical life forces we live beside and respectfully reside alongside.


All life needs other life to survive. Life is the interdependence alongside a symbiotic existence with every being drawing every necessity from their environment.

- R. K

The Life Force represents a never-ending appreciation for life, a constant flow of positive energy and balance — taking only what it needs and giving back more than what it can keep.

“But we shouldn't be concerned about trees purely for material reasons, we should also care about them because of the little puzzles and wonders they present us with. Under the canopy of the trees, daily dramas and moving love stories are played out. Here is the last remaining piece of Nature, right on our doorstep, where adventures are to be experienced and secrets discovered. And who knows, perhaps one day the language of trees will eventually be deciphered, giving us the raw material for further amazing stories. Until then, when you take your next walk in the forest, give free rein to your imagination-in many cases, what you imagine is not so far removed from reality, after all!”

  ― Peter Wohlleben

Flourishing amongst groves of Vata (Banyan), Nimbha (Neem), Ashvattha (Peepal), Amalika (Amla), the Tamäla Palasha (Sanskrit) - the Flame of the Forest or Kesudo (Gujarati) - Parrot Tree is in full bloom. Its leafless flower-laden branches dancing in the mild winter breeze, the Tamäla Palasha or a Kesudo flower, holds a special place in Vedic scriptures, known as the treasurer of the Gods & a symbol of the Moon.

The moon is visible at the centre of its flower, its leathery petals curl resembling a parrot’s beak. It is believed that possessing a Palasha flower is considered auspicious & brings good fortune. We at Aranyani have interpreted this flower using traditional beaded embroidery techniques and call it ‘the Kesuda flower’. Another name for Goddess Lakshmi, “Maya” in Sanskrit means “illusion or magic”. The Half Moon signifies luck, fortune, balanced emotions, stable relationships, and improved luck, particularly in marriage, bringing prosperity and joy into your life.

“Diya” an intricate handcrafted pleated smocking of fine leather, inspired by the leathery petals of the Tamäla Palasha, originated from our pursuit of imbibing the interwovenness of life and life forces residing within the forests.

As nightfall approaches the chirping of crickets mimics the belled anklets of Goddess Aranayni dancing amongst the flora and fauna in the depths of the forest. The darkness within the forest is confusing and terrifying for a human being. Glancing upward through the glade into the galaxy of twinkling stars, we seek “Tara”, the Goddess of felicity and sanguineness.

Goddess Tara is a fierce deity, holding kartrī (knife), khaḍga (sword), chamara (fly-whisk) or indivara (lotus) and a single matted braid over her head.

Myrrah the Greek Goddess was transformed into a tree for her incestuous relationship. The fragrant tree’s resin is used for perfumes, incense and medicines. Just as the tree, “Myra” is an ode to every woman, her tumultuous journey through the complicated balancing act of relationships alongside the myriad of avatars she adopts through her life is able to exude the fragrance of love and grace.

A woman, the epitome of grace and power, embodies beauty, gentleness and care in every avatar. Her love as a mother is unconditional to her child, she is benign in her affection and is fierce in her protection. Goddesses across cultures and mythologies are celebrated and called upon for their instinctive nature to care for and nurture; a symbol of giving in abundance, arousing desire and “Amoura”; wholehearted love and the creator of life.

Through Vedic Bharat and across cultures, a Woman has taken innumerable avatars. Her avatars have been the source of strength and are beckoned to by women when they are urged to reunite with their inborn powers of resilience, courage, daring and the divine force; “Bella”, necessary to defend and preserve herself and her cherished. The nuances of ‘A Lady’; and “La Donna”, in all of her avatars are what have guided us and been our inspiration to handcraft the selection of handbags. Each of our designs is unique and resonates with their simplicity, grace, beauty passion to love and fierce ability to protect.

“The Goddess of the Forest” Aranyani is the Life Force that nurtures, cares and protects everything that dwells within it – this Life Force is powerful and represents a never-ending energy exuding positive energy and balance – what it takes, it gives back.”

-R. K

‘Unseen Connections’ by Aranyani, acknowledges the deep-rooted interwovenness of the unseen feminine life forces that create, propagate and annihilate.

ARANYANI is the Life Force. The confluence of exquisite artistry, and deep-rooted traditions galva- nised by its love story with nature. The handcrafted pieces of art we carefully create are blessed with sacred stones and the healing powers of gold.

At Aranyani, women are celebrated as ‘The Force of Life’. Every piece we design symbolises a feminine avatar and beckons Her to reunite with the secret powers that reside within her being; sometimes a force that has been waiting to be revealed, a force that will change her life and the lives of her adversaries or her cherished.

Embrace your vital essence ‘the Spirit’; Recharge and Replenish its energy with our one-of-a-kind works of art. Reconnect with your Sacred Feminine Incarnations.

New This Season

“The exquisite integration of jewellery into handbags is also inspired by India’s profound reverence for precious gemstones and metals.”